» The Best Chiropractor in Mission Viejo Offers Solutions to Headaches

The Best Chiropractor in Mission Viejo Offers Solutions to Headaches


If you suffer from headaches, it may surprise you that headaches are one of the top 3 most common things we treat and correct.  When you are looking for the best Chiropractor in Mission Viejo to see for this problem, I recommend you avoid the traditional manual adjust (popping and cracking) that most chiropractors.  

I especially recommend that you avoid those places that just want to “pop and crack” your neck every week to try to help relieve the headaches without really finding out the real cause and fixing that.  

Over the course of 35 years as a Chiropractor in Mission Viejo, the top 3 things we see the most are lower back pain, neck pain, and headaches.  Headaches are probably the most complicated problem to fix, however, due to the numerous potential causes including spinal misalignments, dehydration, acidity, improper nutrition, digestive disorders.  To make it more difficult: many of these causes happen at the same time!

Underlying all of those problems we will find nerve irritation impairing the function of the body, and that has to be fixed to get to the root cause of the problem.  Fixing it has to be a rather exact procedure. That’s why we use 6 ounces of pressure to make the proper adjustments, and thermography to measure exactly what we are doing.  The best chiropractic care is exact. There is no guesswork.  

What makes the head actually ache is not the brain.  There are no pain fibers in your brain. The ache comes from the blood vessels, muscles, nerves and the irritation, compression, and inflammation of those tissues.  

A chiropractor’s job is to find the irritation and get rid of it so that the body can function and heal.  We locate the misalignments in your body, called subluxations, and correct them by realigning your spine. When you have these subluxations, you may not know that you do.  Should it be needed, our examination and x-rays will allow us to see the problems and know exactly what the causes are.  

The cause of the misalignments in your spine can come from any physical, emotional or even mental stress because all of those have an effect on your nervous system.  Considered the best Chiropractor in Mission Viejo by many, we use Thermography, the measuring of heat, to determine how bad the problems are and how long it is going to take to correct.  There is no other chiropractic technique that measures nerve irritation and corrects it every time the patient comes to the office. 

So, for 35 years in Mission Viejo, I have been known as the Chiropractor who corrects the spine, not one who just adjusts it, but really corrects it.  People are now asking me to teach other chiropractors in order to spread this specialty to other cities, states, and even other countries.  I am working on it, as this amazing technique should not be held secret!  

Chiropractic works so well for headache patients because many people are carrying around misalignments in their spine for many years without even know it.  Most injuries, for example in car accidents, involve the head and neck. Therefore, headaches are a common result.  

I have also seen many patients who tried other chiropractors adjusting their necks without much success.  I find that many people have lower back problems that are not addressed. But the lower back produces an unbalanced spine which can cause headaches if not corrected!

Even in Eastern medicine, it was found that a misaligned bottom bone in the lower back throws off the bone at the very top.  So, to correct the top of the spine where the headaches come from, the bottom has to be corrected or it will not sufficiently work to get rid of the pain.  

Another common factor is that 80% of Americans are dehydrated.  It was also found in Japan that ionized alkaline water has a great effect on the intestinal flow and the cleanliness of your colon.  The digestive tract is another huge source of headaches that may not be easily recognized. 

The third thing I see is that there is a lack of protein in the diet when a person has headaches.  I saw one 15-year-old girl who appeared to be protein deficient. So, I asked her what she had for breakfast, and it included a candy bar with no protein.  

As part of the initial examination, I told her to try a chocolate protein shake instead of the candy bar, and she came in the next day without a headache.  I still had to correct her spine, but the diet had a huge effect on her just from my observations on her 1st visit.   

One last thing on the subject of headaches is the word that is thrown around by everyone.  That word is “stress.” It’s an interesting point that your own thoughts can create physical effects in your body.  What you think about and how you feel about what is happening around you can be the major source of all of your stress. 

Many people tell me that their work is the biggest source of stress.  Well, I work too. Work for me is a fun game. I want to help as many people get well in my life as a Mission Viejo Chiropractor can.  So, how to help more people, get the word out, add the appropriate staff to help me, are all parts of the game.

If you can make any changes to do better in your situation, then it is less stressful.  It is all in how you look at it. The bottom line is that when your nervous system and your body are functioning at their best, you can handle a lot more.  If you change your outlook at the same time, you will be “golden”. I want that for you.  

Please call my office for a $25 consultation, examination and x-ray to see if we can help you.  The normal cost is $290. So make sure to mention this blog when you call!

All the best,

Dr. David C. Manago D. C. 





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