» How A Good San Diego Mattress Relieves Shoulder Pain

How A Good San Diego Mattress Relieves Shoulder Pain


stressful day. However, you might not realize that sleeping can add to your stress by hurting your body. Yes, if we have unfortunate sleeping habits and a mattress that isn’t a good match for us, we can suffer from problems like improper posture, soreness, and body pains, including shoulder pain!

Shoulder pain can be really annoying. It limits our ability to do mundane things like reach upwards, carry groceries, and even drive. If left untreated or unmanaged, it can easily turn into expensive hospital bills and medications. So, it’s best to nip it in the bud and prevent shoulder pains from happening if they’re caused by your sleep.

But how do you know if your sleeping habits and mattresses are causing your shoulder pain? Let’s look into it below. 


How Does My Choice of Mattress Cause Shoulder Pain?

1. Your Current San Diego Mattress is Too Firm

Mattress firmness refers to how hard or soft your mattress is. What most people don’t often realize is that it needs to be dependent on your weight—lighter people need a softer mattress while heavier people need a firmer mattress.

That’s because lighter people just stay on top of firm mattresses in San Diego. None of their body parts dip in and get cushioned, and the mattress is essentially applying force back onto their body. This causes shoulder (and other body) pains.

Meanwhile, heavier people need firmer mattresses because softer mattresses tend to sag easier and quicker under their weight. This causes posture misalignment and, of course, body and back pain.


2. Your Current Mattress Lacks Pressure Relief

Pressure relief refers to a mattress’s ability to absorb friction in certain areas of your body. Softer mattresses tend to offer more pressure relief while firmer mattresses tend to increase friction in the body. You need to be more aware of your mattress’s pressure relief if you’re a side sleeper—when you sleep on your side, you put more weight on your shoulder.

The material that makes up the top layer of your mattress also affects your shoulder pain. You typically want something like memory foam or latex form to provide extra padding for your body.


3. Your Current Mattress is Very Saggy

The effects of a saggy mattress on your back are very well-known, but did you know they can cause shoulder pain too? That’s because when you sleep on a non-supportive mattress, your hips are out of alignment with the rest of your spine, causing bad posture.

Additionally, some people even sleep with springs sticking out of their mattresses! Please don’t do that. This can injure parts of your body and might even give you tetanus. You really wouldn’t want a spring poking you on the shoulder (or elsewhere in your body) while you sleep.


How Do I Know If My Mattress Needs to be Changed?

So, now you’re aware of how a bad mattress can contribute to a bad shoulder. Is your San Diego mattress one of them? Are you ready to hit up a mattress sale to buy a new one? Make sure to read the following section first!


1. Your Shoulder Pain Worsens at Night

If your shoulder pain gets worse when you’re lying down in bed, then that’s a telltale sign that your mattress is the culprit. It could either be your mattress that’s causing the shoulder pain, or a medical condition that’s getting triggered by your mattress. In case it’s the latter, it’s always best to consult with your doctor about how to treat your medical condition.

On a related note, if your shoulder pain magically goes away during the day, then that’s even more evidence that something in your sleep is contributing to it! If it’s not your mattress, then it’s definitely your sleeping habits, which are also affected by your mattress.

Test things out by sleeping on a different mattress or even on the sofa first—if your shoulder pain is non-existent there, then considering buying a new mattress is a great idea.


2. Your Shoulder Pain Keeps You Awake at Night

If you’re having trouble falling asleep or if you frequently wake up at night with an aching shoulder, then perhaps it’s best to let that mattress go. Being clingy to your mattress isn’t worth the downsides of lack of sleep. It can cause daytime sleepiness, reduced attention span, bad decision-making, and so much more. That eventually leads to hormonal imbalance, excessive weight gain, and a weakened immune system.


3. Your Mattress Feels Very Hard

We’ve all been to less-than-stellar hotels before with mattresses that just felt like thin cardboard. And while some people may like that (hey, we don’t judge!), it’s going to take a toll on your shoulder eventually. Test out something softer to see if it’ll fix your shoulder pain. 

There are lots of mattresses that are firm but not too firm. Not every firm mattress has to feel like a slab of concrete!


4. You’re Finding It Hard to Adjust

If you’ve just purchased a new mattress in San Diego, especially if it’s a different mattress than what you’re accustomed to, then your body is going to need some time to adjust. Looks can be deceiving, even with mattresses—they might look better in theory but not in practice. A good rule of thumb is to wait at least one month to see if the new mattress is the right fit for you.

However, if you’ve waited that long and the mattress is still affecting your sleep, then it’s best to just let things go. Thankfully, many mattress companies these days have a sleep trial that lets you return new mattresses after the trial period.


5. Your Mattress is Too Old

On the other end of the spectrum, you’ve probably got a mattress that’s too old for you! Over time, mattresses definitely can stop being as strong and supportive as they need to be, eventually giving in to your body weight. That’s why health professionals often recommend switching out your mattress every 6 to 8 years.

While some mattresses can last longer than that time, we still recommend switching them out, especially when you’re experiencing shoulder pain. This ensures that you’re covering all bases and getting the best mattresses in San Diego to cushion your shoulder.



In conclusion, the quality of your mattress is very important in preventing shoulder pain. A great mattress should always support your weight, regardless of your sleeping posture. So, if you feel like you need a new mattress at a fraction of retail costs, come to Mattress Sale Liquidators now to browse our excellent selection of mattresses in San Diego. We’re looking forward to seeing you then.




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