» What is the Bioelectric Massage? Why Should I Get One?

What is the Bioelectric Massage? Why Should I Get One?


How is a bioelectric massage different from other massages, such as a Santa Monica Thai massage? When bioelectric massage therapy is used, the current penetrates deeply and goes below the skin’s surface. One Bioelectric massage treatment session may be equivalent to three traditional massages. Thus it not only revitalizes you but is also reasonably priced.

What can I expect during a bioelectric massage session at Massage Capital?

During a bioelectric treatment, several teeny, flat, rubber adhesive discs (known as electrodes) are positioned in the skin regions to be treated. Vaso pneumatic devices, sometimes known as rubber suction cups, are occasionally used. The electrodes are connected to a computer device, which determines the precise dosage of therapy required. After that, high-frequency alternating electrical currents are applied to the electrodes. The currents quickly pass through the skin and are painless. Throughout treatment, your response to electrical stimulation is observed.

When electricity is applied, a mild vibrating or tingling sensation is typical. This sensation shouldn’t be unpleasant; instead, it should offer soothing pain relief. As the currents are applied, you will talk to the therapist verbally.


How Frequently Should I Receive Bioelectric Treatment?

Depending on each patient’s condition and response to treatment, bioelectric therapy sessions may be necessary. Pain alleviation typically does not occur after just one bioelectric therapy session. Three treatments per week are usually the next step after the initial five sessions in one week of therapy. 16 to 20 treatments make up a typical course of treatment.

If you aren’t already sold, consider the many other benefits that a bioelectric meridian massage can give you:

  • Activated cells
  • Body’s cleansing and detoxification
  • Clearing the obstructions in the body’s meridian systems
  • Encourages blood flow
  • Enhances usability and mobility
  • Fitness, beauty, and weight loss
  • Gastrointestinal system control
  • Prevents bodily imbalances by relieving pain and relaxing sore muscles
  • Removal of fatigue
  • Role for anti-inflammatory
  • Stimulating the nervous system
  • Stimulation of muscle and nerve cells


What specific conditions can be alleviated by a bioelectric massage?

  • Arthritis
  • Back pain 
  • Scleroderma or skin soreness brought on by inadequate blood flow
  • Syndrome of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
  • Migraines and headaches
  • Mood disorders, including anxiety and depression
  • Muscle ache
  • Neurological conditions
  • Regional complex pain syndrome


What Should I Do to Get Ready Before a Bioelectric Therapy?

Before beginning bioelectric therapy, your doctor may give you particular recommendations to follow if you are taking insulin or blood-thinning drugs. Before the process, you could be required to fast, and you might need to arrange for a driver to take you home afterward.


Are There Any Potential Negative Effects to Bioelectric Therapy?

Under the electrodes during bioelectric therapy, skin discomfort and redness can sporadically happen.


Massage Capital is the Place for You

Whether you are seeking a Santa Monica couples therapy or a Santa Monica Thai massage, there are ample reasons to visit our massage practice. We are one of the most respected massage parlors within the city and beyond. With years of quality and client satisfaction, we want to make sure that you become a part of our family! Please call us at (310) 260-7770 to book your appointment today!





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