» The Art of the Chinese Massage

The Art of the Chinese Massage


Everybody loves a good massage, and that includes our ancestors who lived thousands of years before us. It is even a part of ancient Chinese tradition, dating back to as early as the 2nd century BC. China is known for its unique concepts of health and meditation. There are many ways you can benefit from Qi (pronounced ‘chee’), the predominant Chinese massage. 

What does Qi mean?

There are several things that this Chinese word can translate to, most notably “vital life force.” This is an essential concept in Chinese culture that has transcended into modern practices. It is believed that qi is the one thing that the entire universe is made up of. There are said to be four types of qi: parental, pectoral, nutritional, and defensive. In addition, they all have 4 functions: actuation, defending, containment, and transformation. More in-depth information can be found here.

Benefits of a Qi massage

You can expect so many amazing benefits from receiving a qi massage. Here are a few of them if you are still not yet sold on the idea:

Relieves physical pain.

Got a pesky knot in your back? Get it out with a qi massage. 

More physical energy

You will have more energy to perform your everyday tasks as a result of a qi massage. Who doesn’t want to have enough willpower to do not only their necessary tasks. Everybody loves a good massage, and that includes our ancestors who lived thousands of years before us. It is even a part of ancient Chinese tradition, dating back to as early as the 2nd century BC. China is known for its unique concepts of health and meditation. There are many ways you can benefit from Qi (pronounced ‘chee’), the predominant Chinese massage. 

Helps you focus and think more clearly

Many people have reported being able to concentrate better as a result of a qi massage. This could help you in just about every area of your life: work, school, or even better focus while performing normal tasks such as driving.

Feeling more rested every morning

It’s simple! The less tense your body and mind feel, the better you will sleep at night. It is a similar phenomenon to how people who exercise regularly generally sleep better. Why not try getting a massage shortly after your exercise session? Just be sure to hose off and get something to eat before heading to the massage parlor

Improves your overall mood

Seriously, who doesn’t like to feel good? All of the reasons above will result in your spirits being lifted each and every day. You only get to experience this life once, so why not feel the best you can during the ride?

If you’re ready for a massage experience like no other, go on Yelp or Google to find a massage therapist who specializes in qi today! Even if you have already gotten a massage before, you will definitely be able to experience the difference and appreciate its traditional Chinese roots yourself, firsthand!

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