» How Can Hospice‌ Care Providers ‌Help with Ventilator Withdrawal?

How Can Hospice‌ Care Providers ‌Help with Ventilator Withdrawal?

hospice‌ ‌care‌ ‌Burbank‌ ‌Ca‌, hospice‌ ‌in‌ ‌Burbank‌ ‌Ca,‌ ‌ hospice‌ ‌Glendale, hospice Pasadena,

The hospice‌ ‌care‌ ‌providers ‌in Burbank, Glendale, or Pasadena ‌tell us that when a person goes through ventilator withdrawal it can be a very frightening, stressful, and overcoming experience for many patients and their family members. Nevertheless, hospice‌ ‌care‌ ‌Burbank Ca providers  ‌can make the ventilator withdrawal experience a lot easier to handle. Find out more here how it can be advantageous throughout this difficult process to you and your loved one in hospice.

What Is Ventilator Withdrawal?

When a person goes through a severe illness, they usually get too weak to breathe on their own. The hospice Burbank physicians explain that a ventilator is a medical device that lets artificial respiration happen. A ventilator is used when a patient can no longer breathe well on their own. 

Ventilator withdrawal means the removal of the ventilator. As a result of this process, severe side effects can occur and there is the risk of death. So, it can be a big decision for hospice Glendale patients and their families to make and back up. 

The whole point of ventilator withdrawal is to let the hospice Pasadena patient’s illness go through its natural course without artificially lengthening their life. 

Why Do Some Patients Or Family Members Choose Ventilator Withdrawals?

There are several reasons why a hospice Burbank patient wants a ventilator withdrawal. Typically, ventilator withdrawal is chosen because the patient may not make it more than a few weeks afterward. Ultimately, the aim is to enhance the patient’s quality of life during and after the withdrawal. Particularly, a patient or their loved one (if they can’t make the decision for themselves) may decide on ventilator withdrawal if the condition is terminal and the patient doesn’t want additional treatment or artificial respiration. 

Bear in mind that ventilator withdrawal is different from weaning someone off a ventilator. Many who go for ventilator withdrawal do so with the understanding that they (or their loved one) won’t survive. If the illness isn’t terminal and the hospice Glendale patient’s condition is getting better, then the medical team may recommend weaning them off of a ventilator. 

What Are The Advantages Of Hospice Care With A Ventilator Withdrawal?

As mentioned before, ventilator withdrawal is a tough decision and can be very challenging. For that reason, hospice care can make the ventilator withdrawal process simpler for patients and their family members by offering spiritual counseling, encouragement for family members, and enhancing the general quality of life for the patient, plus other outstanding advantages. 

Alleviated Pain And Anxiety

The main goal of hospice care assistance with ventilator withdrawal is to make sure that the patient has all the care and support they require and want. The hospice care team can help with both the physical and emotional requirements of the patient, assisting them with anxiety and, besides the assistance of the medical team, helping them cope with and reduce discomfort. 

Spiritual Counseling

Spiritual counseling is usually required during ventilator withdrawal to help the patient and their family cope with the experience, particularly if the withdrawal is probably fatal. Many hospice care teams have a chaplain on hand to provide spiritual counseling and pray with the patient and their loved ones. This is one of the most significant parts of hospice care for many patients and family members as they undergo the ventilator withdrawal process. 

Support For Family Members

Besides helping the patient who is undergoing withdrawal, family members often require support too. The hospice care team, which includes nurses, counselors, chaplains, and more, is available to help with the mental, emotional, and spiritual requirements of the patient’s family members. Furthermore, the hospice care team accepts the responsibility, letting them spend meaningful time with their loved ones. 

Grief Counseling

Many examples of withdrawal are fatal. This also goes for when it’s the patient’s decision and they are ready to pass away, it can still be extremely difficult for family members. Hospice care consists of grief counseling for family members as they cope with the possibility (and usually likelihood) of their loved one’s death. 

Helping With Activities Of Daily Living (ADLs)

An additional advantage that hospice care offers patients going through withdrawal is helping with activities of daily living (ADLs), such as eating and bathing. As mentioned prior, this mainly takes the responsibility away from their loved ones, releasing them from the worry about the general well-being of their loved ones and helping them concentrate more on spending time with them in a much more meaningful manner. 

Faith & Hope Hospice And Palliative Care Provides Care For Patients With Serious Illness

Faith & Hope provides hospice care for hospice Burbank, Glendale, or Pasadena patients who have been diagnosed with a serious illness that is terminal, specifically those who do not want to go forward with curative care and who would rather concentrate on living the rest of their time as best as possible surrounded by the people they love. To find out more about the advantages of hospice care at Faith & Hope, contact us at (877) 610-5402 today. 




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