» The Best Chiropractor in Mission Viejo Provides Tips For Arthritis Relief

The Best Chiropractor in Mission Viejo Provides Tips For Arthritis Relief


Arthritis is a complicated problem that involves many factors. However, proper chiropractic care and nutrition can reduce or remove uncomfortable symptoms. As a Mission Viejo Chiropractor, I incorporate nutritional changes, attention to hydration, and spinal correction with great success.  

The best Chiropractor in Mission Viejo knows that there are 2 major categories of arthritis and about 200 different variations. Despite this, the bottom line is that the BODY HEALS ITSELF when we restore the function.  

The word “arthritis” comes from 2 words.  “Arthros” means joints, and “itis” means inflammation. Therefore, the word translates to joint inflammation. When we treat the body to correct and remove inflammation, the patient heals. So, that is the sole purpose of arthritis treatment.

Proper treatment will focus on the direct cause and work to correct the problem or problems affecting each individual. 

Osteoarthritis or OA is the most common kind of arthritis. “Osteo” means bone, so osteoarthritis comes from wear and tear of the bones. As people age, this problem can occur. If an individual’s spine is misaligned, the best chiropractors know that this kind of arthritis can progress as much as 6X faster than normal aging issues. 

This problem is visible on an x-ray.  We can see the bone spurring from calcium deposits that come from the bone itself. So, it is common when the bone shows calcium spurs on the outside and osteoporosis on the inside.

Rheumatoid Arthritis or RA is a very destructive type of arthritis. The word “rheuma” means something that is systemic. That means that it involves the blood that runs throughout the entire body. RA destroys joints, affects the heart, blood vessels, eyes, skin, muscles and other organs causing fatigue, weight loss, and acute pain. Often times, the symptoms come on very quickly and cannot be immediately diagnosed. 

There are many scientific articles that have documented how vaccinations for flu, measles, mumps, rubella, Hepatitis B, and others could trigger Rheumatoid Arthritis or Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. And, in over half the cases it can just disappear.  

As a Chiropractor in Mission Viejo for over 35 years, I know that there is no real medical cure. All that can be done is providing relief for certain symptoms. Some people will take medication for the rest of their life and are mentally conditioned to fear every ache and pain that may be related to their arthritis. Pain medication can have side effects as well.

This is no way to live. In order for someone with arthritis to change the way they feel, they need to tackle the problem head-on. 

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Now, it is time to try something different. Come in for a chiropractor examination with me and let’s see how we can change your thought process about your arthritis. 

First of all, I am considered the best Chiropractor in Mission Viejo because my offices do not rely on traditional “popping or cracking” of the spine. This method can irritate the joints and will not end up treating the inflammation after all. Instead, we try other practices.

If the spine is misaligned and can be corrected, then we will do what we can to raise the body function up to a point that can allow it to begin healing. Correcting the spine will help with inflammation. People usually feel a lot of relief, increased activity, less pain, strengthened immune system, have better sleep, and a happier life with this practice.  

The second thing to address is the amount of water a person drinks. About 80% of all Americans are dehydrated. Since your body is 70% water and your bones are 75%, your water intake needs to be corrected, otherwise, you will have a much harder time healing. Many people are actually in pain because of dehydration.  

The third part is nutritional. There are many foods that promote inflammation. On the other hand, there are anti-inflammatory diets, such as the Mediterranean diet that promotes healing. Our staff will counsel you on nutritional strategies as needed. 

All of these things should be taken into consideration in order to help a person manage arthritis issues. Our method includes a consultation, examination, and about one or two x-rays to determine the severity of the condition. 

If you mention reading this blog at your appointment, the normal $290 price will be waived, and you will only have to pay a total of $25.  

You don’t have to live in constant pain and fear because of arthritis. Call and schedule an appointment to find out how we can help you.


Dr. David C. Manago D. C.  




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