» Cure Chronic Fatigue With A Low Emf Infrared Sauna

Cure Chronic Fatigue With A Low Emf Infrared Sauna


Chronic fatigue can be diagnosed with symptoms such as muscle pain in the morning, varying energy levels, feeling exhausted all the time and being dependent on stimulants such as caffeine. Fortunately, a low EMF infrared sauna can help you combat all these warning signs of chronic fatigue and can help you achieve a happier, healthier lifestyle. 

What Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? 

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a medical condition that is identified by long-term exhaustion and other persistent symptoms that restrict a person’s ability to perform daily activities.

If you find that getting out of bed every day is a challenge, experience intense sluggishness, low energy, dependence on caffeinated stimulants, have short term memory problems, sore throat, tender neck, muscle pains and suffer from headaches, then you may have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. These symptoms can also be associated with autoimmune conditions or mental health, so make sure to visit your doctor to get a proper diagnosis. 

What Are The Lifestyle Causes Of Chronic Fatigue? 

Chronic fatigue can be brought on by a variety of poor lifestyle choices that jeopardize your health.

Poor nutrition, lack of sleep, stress, vitamin deficiencies, sedentariness, toxins, and infections can all contribute to the result of Chronic Fatigue. Generally speaking, it is usually a combination of all of these things.


For many of us living in the modern world, a normal day could consist of skipping breakfast and replacing it with coffee, having a snack at 11 am, a salad at lunch and your first good meal at dinner. Unless you are eating the biggest dinners ever, this type of routine will lead to a huge calorie deficit. You might think that this is a method of losing weight, but this can actually cause health problems.  

If you do not eat your daily recommended calories, the body lowers its basal metabolic rate so it can be more efficient with fewer calories. That is why you feel so exhausted. The body thinks you are stuck in a famine and changes its energy levels accordingly. Also, your body starts to stubbornly hang on to fat stores. Therefore, the first thing you should do is start eating more and make sure it is good quality food. 


There is a strong connection between chronic fatigue and adrenal fatigue. Normally, you don’t have one without the other. That is why it is not a good idea to force yourself into any type of aggressive cardio routine since it is just going to make the situation worse. Your body not only thinks you are starving but it also goes into survival mode!

Exercise will give you a short term boost, but afterward, you may feel exhausted, especially if you have not eaten properly. Try to choose sensible and non-stressful exercises to increase blood flow to your muscles and improve your mood.

Other Lifestyle Factors

A modified breathing pattern usually results in a lack of oxygenated blood flow to your extremities and organs. This is usually the first thing that should be tackled when dealing with chronic fatigue. There are techniques and tools to manage and reduce mental and emotional stress which is important to protect overworked adrenal glands. 

How Does A Low Emf Infrared Sauna Help Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? 

A study with a group of ten people with chronic fatigue sat in an infrared sauna for 15 minutes at 60°C. The participants in this study used the sauna five times a week for 4 weeks. During this time, fatigue levels greatly decreased after therapy. When compared on a scale of 1 to 10, the average level of fatigue lowered from 6.7 to 4.8. 

This is very significant for several reasons. Firstly, there is about a 30% reduction in their symptoms without having to change their diet, lifestyle or exercise routines. Secondly, the participants only used a low emf infrared sauna for fifteen minutes at a time. Also, they only did the treatment for 4 weeks. 

Therefore, consider the results you could achieve if you sat in a 2 person infrared sauna for a three to a four-month period for 30 to 45 minutes at a time. Continually, if you incorporate nutrition, exercise and lifestyle factors, a low emf infrared sauna becomes a powerful tool.   

Furthermore, an infrared sauna produces a gentle heat of 60°C which is a tolerable low temperature compared to a traditional dry sauna that can shoot up to an unbearable 100°C, leaving you gasping for air just after 5 minutes and wanting to get out fast! Also, infrared saunas penetrate your skin up to 1.5 inches deep and help you sweat from the inside out, which makes them very effective using less heat but more penetration. 

What Are The Benefits Of An Infrared Sauna? 

There are many reasons why infrared saunas are an effective method of preventing chronic fatigue.  In the first place, an infrared sauna is an efficient method of heating up the body inside out. Any type of heat treatment accelerates blood flow and increased oxygenated blood flow helps heal wounds and nourish organs and extremities. 

Next, infrared heat penetrates the body at the cellular level which helps cellular detox and in turn lowers the strain on the liver and the kidneys which ultimately frees up energy for you!

Finally, infrared heat restructures the water in the bodies at the cellular level to make sure all of the metabolic and cellular processes are way more efficient such as cell respiration, getting nutrients into cells, and getting rid of waste products. The disease cannot survive in the existence of health, so infrared saunas are one of those tools that help lead us in the right direction towards optimum health.




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