» The Best Chiropractor in Mission Viejo Can Correct Shoulder, Arm & Hand Problems

The Best Chiropractor in Mission Viejo Can Correct Shoulder, Arm & Hand Problems

best chiropractor in mission viejo for Shoulder, Arm & Hand Problems

In order to be considered the best Chiropractor to see in Mission Viejo, consistent results need to be apparent.  I have been practicing for 37 years and in the same office in Mission Viejo for 35 years.  As a Chiropractor in Mission Viejo, I have to say that I love my work.  My mission is to help as many people get well as I can before I retire.  I am on schedule to practice for another 23 years at this point in time. But, the best time to get well and fix a spinal problem is now.  

This particular article is about Shoulder, Arm & Hand Problems.  With my specialty, using only 6 ounces of pressure to make adjustments, I have corrected these problems in people who were told they needed surgery, people who have already had surgery and were afraid to have another one that failed, and many who were just unsuccessful at getting help with many other forms of Chiropractic, Physical Therapy, Massage, etc.  

There are many different names for shoulder problems that you may have been labeled with including neuritis, bursitis, neuralgia, rheumatism, frozen shoulder, fibrositis, sprains, strains, “poor circulation” and rotator cuff problems. These are all used to describe a myriad of conditions.

There is actually a “plexus” of nerves that control the shoulder, arm, and hand.  A plexus is a bundle of nerves like the wires that come from a fuse box at home to control the electricity to each separate room in the house.  This Brachial Plexus controls your arm. Of course, “brachial” means arm. So, those are the nerves that come together and cause problems in the shoulder, arm, and hand.  

Many people blame these problems in old age, the work they do, what they do around the house, or even just stress.  But, the fact of the matter is, that the best Chiropractors know that all of these nerves come from your neck. That means your neck has to always be looked at when trying to locate and correct the problem causing your shoulder trouble.  

As a Mission Viejo Chiropractor, the most common cause I have seen of problems developing in the neck is from some type of a whiplash injury.  The obvious whiplash injury is from a car accident. But, you can sustain this injury from a lot of different ways, from the time you are born up until now.  Maybe someone accidentally didn’t support your head correctly as a baby, or you fell off your bike, your bed, or a horse. You could have had a sports injury, fallen out of a tree, or landed in the wrong way while you were skating.  There are many reasons to get a neck injury that you may not have ever noticed when it originally happened.  

But, none of that really matters when looking at the problem today.  The best Chiropractor will look at your entire spine to identify what is the real underlying problem and go about fixing that as long as it is safely correctible.  

Keep in mind that other symptoms can develop as well.  You could also get a headache, a migraine, facial pain, dizziness, limited or painful motion of your head and neck, throat conditions, thyroid, and nasal problems, and even a lower back problem that is being overlooked because of your neck and shoulder pain.

After all, as a top Chiropractor in Mission Viejo, I see patients with persistent neck and shoulder problems.  And, no one usually thinks that the lower back and pelvis are crooked and causing the neck and shoulders to be off.  So, doctors proceed to try to treat and fix the neck and shoulder problems rather than looking at the body as a whole.  But this doesn’t typically work because the foundation of the spine has not been fixed. No wonder most people have been to 3 or 4 Chiropractors before they find the one that can fix them.  

Now, if you have read any of my other blogs, the reason I consider myself the best Chiropractor in Mission Viejo is because I don’t do any “popping and cracking” of the spine.  All of the adjustments I perform are done with 6 ounces of pressure and result in a correction of the spine.

If you really want to find out the root cause of your neck and shoulder problems, please call my office, mention this blog, and we will see if you have a correctable condition.  If you do, I will take you on as a patient and help you to feel better than ever before.

Remember, it is only $25 for the initial consultation, examination, and x-rays if you mention this article.  The normal price is $290!

All the best,

Dr. David C. Manago D. C.   




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